Route to Vätsäri #1: Harjunkatkomajärvi

Choosing the right route is an essential skill in kairacross, especially in Vätsäri. This the first post in our Route to Vätsäri series, in which we study maps of Vätsäri and learn how to choose the optimal route.

In every post there is first a map with one or more legs and your task is to choose the best route between control points.

After the first map there is a second map with a few pre-selected routes. Now you can reflect your initial choice: Would you choose one of the pre-selected routes or use your own variant?

Alla olevaan karttaan on merkitty 7,7 kilometriä pitkä rastiväli. Miten kulkisit sen? Kartta suurenee klikkaamalla.

OK, here is the first task, a 7,7 km long leg in the north east end of lake Inarinjärvi. Which way would you go?

Click the map to enlarge!

Have you decided yet? If not, take another look at the map above…

Alla on kolme reittivaihtoehtoa. Valitsitsiko jonkun niistä vai oman version?

Below are the pre-selected routes. Would you choose one of them or your own variant?

Click the map to enlarge.

Which one did you choose? Why that one? Did the task raise any questions?

Please tell us about your choice in the comment section below!

To comment, you need only to give your name or pseudonym.

Minkä valitsit? Miksi? Tuliko mieleesi kysymyksiä? Kommentoi alle! Voit käyttää omaa nimeäsi tai nimimerkkiä.