Sky Pole Walkers
Team Sky Pole Walkers: Juha Lehtonen, Ville Maksimainen
1. Why did you decide to register to this race?
We have been waiting for the second edition of LWC to happen, because a foot race is better for us. But now we could not wait any longer, so we hope our strategy and paddling skills are good enough to get through the whole course.
2. what kind of trip you expect kairacross vätsäri to be?
We know Lapland and Vätsäri conditions, and we want to experience all that with Kairacross format.
If we manage well with our tactics and kayaking in generally, we could be racing for good positions. Who knows, it will be very difficult to make a perfect race.
3. tell something about your team. what does the name stand for?
Sky Pole Walkers. We are ultra runners and our target is in fells or mountains, so often it means walking uphill with poles. We have done lots of ultra racing, longest 100+ hours.
4. what is the longest paddlingpackrafting trip you have made?
We have tried packrafting a few times, longest time 8 hours.
We still have some adjustments to make in the packraft. Or maybe we have to adjust ourselves.
5. whats your goal in kairacross vätsäri?
We are expecting a very challenging race, not only against the other teams, but packrafting in Vätsäri for four days competetively is hard. Our main goal is to keep the boat in one piece. Everything else is bonus.